News of Organic Industry
Demand for organic milk in Germany keeps on rising
Germans love to drink milk and they do this at an average of 54 liters per year. German consumers are also more willing to spend more money on their milk, with the assumption that quality and price go together. Demand for organic milk in Germany keeps on rising and supply lags behind. This makes foreign market suppliers interested. Denmark, Austria and some Swedish organic milk producers deliver milk to Germany. German organic farmers were only able to supply the demand partly. In 2015 156,000 dairy cows produced a total of 732 million liters of organic milk, informs the German market research AMI.
Expensive doesn’t mean better
The German magazine Focus explains for instance that the brand Bärenmarke, one of the most famous milk producers in the German speaking area, is more than twice as expensive than conventional milk. However, even though the brand does not offer any added value such as GMO-free products or that the cattle are free range, consumers still pay more money for the brand name. Therefore, the milk from Bärenmarke is often listed by animal protection organizations among the low-cost producers. The brand, Berchtesgadener Land Bio-Alpenmilch however, received the highest rating.
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Tags: organic milk , Germany